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I am Emma.

Who even am I? I ask myself that question more than probably necessary, as I go about my life, fitting together my work, study and play. If my friends and family were to say two things that describe me, it would be cats and the great TV show, Parks and Recreation (forever in my heart and on my screens). My love for both these things definitely make up a large part of who I am – there is not a day where I don’t quote Parks and Rec, or don an outfit from my cat-themed wardrobe.  I would say I am laid back, but pride myself in hard work – I firmly believe in always doing my best, persisting and eventually rewards will come.


I appreciate decent puns (if there is such a thing) and fun times (but who doesn’t?). In my mind, there’s only one thing better than a good laugh, and that is a good laugh with my cat while we watch the brilliant show, Parks and Recreation.


All that being said, I do have knowledge that goes beyond references to an amazing TV show and my feline friends. As someone whose goal is to work at BuzzFeed I feel as though I am suited for the role. Studying media and communications, in addition to visual and interactive design, my skills vary across the different aspects of creative industries. I enjoy creating, collating and just all round consuming almost all aspects of social media. Having studied social media theories and how the world of media and communications works, I have an understanding of how to best utilize social media platforms, and first hand experience definitely helps. This knowledge combined with the creative skills in web design, graphic design and typography (acquired through interactive and visual design) give me useful abilities in


With years of experience using Photoshop, one thing that I pride myself in is creating fun pictures of my friends and family. The Gallery below is just a snippet of my accomplishments, featuring some of my family (to think I achieved so much just with a single piece of software!)

An ‘About Emma Holmes’ section would not be complete if I didn’t mention my cubby house skills. If there was such thing as being a professional pillow fort/cubby house creator I would definitely picture myself rising up the ranks in the soft and cozy structure building. Perhaps that is a prime example of my creativity and problem solving skills merging together to create something great!


Although I feel as though I have just scraped the surface, I think this is an accurate snapshot of myself. This blog will be a testament of my career journey, so I hope you stay around to see where it leads.

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